Forums - who is the best character in Alpha 3 and why?? Show all 64 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- who is the best character in Alpha 3 and why?? ( Posted by CABLE420 on 03:05:2001 09:19 AM: thanx to all those who respond. Posted by TS on 03:05:2001 08:36 PM: Nobody unbeatable. If you're looking for the obvious answer, try tooling around with V-ISM Akuma. #1 in the rankings, however, is probably still A-ISM Dhalsim. Why? Dunno. Space controlling, I suppose. Posted by Brandon Lee on 03:05:2001 08:41 PM: I agree. There is no perfect character. The closest you will get to the best character is V-ism Shin Akuma. Posted by TS on 03:05:2001 08:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by Brandon Lee: I agree. There is no perfect character. The closest you will get to the best character is V-ism Shin Akuma. I was only reffering to the arcade-version characters...if I was going to talk about the home-version characters, Shin Bison/Akuma are obviously at the top. Posted by Nos99 on 03:05:2001 09:08 PM: V-Sak and V-akuma.. They're just too easy to use/abuse. Learn the basics and you can start kicking ass. Sim is great but not near as easy to become effective with (imo) Posted by nex2me on 03:05:2001 11:02 PM: A3- is kind of like a round robin. There are some charecters that beat others and some that don't. Take for instance Sim in any ISM is good, but put a V-Cody and you have trouble because he side steps most of Sim's limbs. But pick V-Akuma V-Cody and cody had problems. Beating V-Akuma can be done with very few charecters but it can be done. I have seen V-Akuma lose to 'Gief. So that is why you always have to look at who the other person is playing, and if they are using them effectively. Posted by The Man on 03:06:2001 12:19 AM: Personally I feel that Alpha 3 is pretty even. ANY character can beat any character if played properly for the situation. You don't just fight a character, you fight whats happening. If you can control whats happening then you control the fight. It just depends how well you really can use that character and how you choose to play with that character at a given time. V-Akuma might be rough, but if you play against him wisely and not blindly, then you'll have just as good of a chance as any other character. You just have to use who you know best. I think the people that are really good know how to use the character they like, and they know what he beats and what he doesn't. And then they know how to get around what he can't just beat easily. It's learning a character that makes him awesome and using him the way you want to and not the way others say to. Anyway, I just feel that Alpha 3 is really really balanced, unlike MvC2. Posted by C0mmand0 0bvi0us on 03:06:2001 12:43 AM: I'll try and give you a good solid answer or as close to one you might get this isn't really in any order but the top tier goes something like this a-dhalsim v-sakura v-akuma v-ryu v-geif v-karin there are some characters that could be argued as to if their low top to high mid like a/v-rolento v-sodom a/x-chun-li and the mid tier is probably something like v-vega v-charlie (a-charlie is good but not as good imo) a-gen v-cody a-guy most of these you'll see in tournies and shit but there are some other characters (along with other ism's of the characters i mentioned like a-ryu and such)like maybe rose and rog as to who is the easiest in the top tier?? i would have to say v-geif and v-akuma, v-geif doesn't really take that long to become good with but to master his advanced stuff (setting up for walking spd's)it's a little difficult, on the other hand v-karin is probably the hardest,i personally like v-geif and v-sakura if you want my opinion on it , but i would have to say a-dhalsim is probably the best in the game Formerly ElmerPud Posted by REALPLAYER on 03:06:2001 02:20 AM: Can someone please explain to me what the crap is so good about V-Sak!!!! Posted by shin_gouki on 03:06:2001 02:38 AM: master the bas combo with v-akuma and u will be undefeatable. look what bas did 2 the us team. but saying that it is one of the hardest combos in a3 2 master. Posted by NewGen on 03:06:2001 02:43 AM: birdie, i swear, or akuma. Posted by Shuzer on 03:06:2001 02:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by REALPLAYER: Can someone please explain to me what the crap is so good about V-Sak!!!! She has one of the best all-purpose VC starters in the game(Jab Sho-oh-ken), a good, damaging midscreen VC, some of the best pokes(S B+Fierce, S Roundhouse, S Forward) for guard crush, great air priority(J Fierce, J Forward, air throw), charges meter fast, and an easy damaging combo outside of VCs. Plus, she's a schoolgirl that flashes her panties and has the coolest win pose(Sakura dance!), how can you beat THAT? As for rankings, I agree with Commando's rankings the most. Japanese rankings have A-Sim at #1, V-Charlie at #2. After that, I don't remember... Anyways, this game is is as conuter-character dependent as others. Now if only this game wasn't so random... Posted by Raule on 03:06:2001 03:46 AM: This game is very balanced, maybe not as balanced as ST, but kinda balanced still. ANyones opinion on whos the best in this game usually is there fav characters, or the best the used or seen, A-Gen, V-vega, V-akuma are among some of my favs and some of the best, except v-vega, he really doesn't stand a chance to master v-akumas and such, but is pretty good. A-gen and A-guy, are basically the masters of the non-vism combos, but being that gen has a much deeper play to him, and two different modes, i think hes better. V-Akuma, he basically just rocks anyone. ANYONE. Akuma:ME SUIT! SHUN GOKU SATSU! Evil Ryu: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Raging Demon! Posted by BarrelO on 03:06:2001 04:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Man: Personally I feel that Alpha 3 is pretty even. ANY character can beat any character if played properly for the situation. You don't just fight a character, you fight whats happening. If you can control whats happening then you control the fight. It just depends how well you really can use that character and how you choose to play with that character at a given time. V-Akuma might be rough, but if you play against him wisely and not blindly, then you'll have just as good of a chance as any other character. You just have to use who you know best. I think the people that are really good know how to use the character they like, and they know what he beats and what he doesn't. And then they know how to get around what he can't just beat easily. It's learning a character that makes him awesome and using him the way you want to and not the way others say to. Anyway, I just feel that Alpha 3 is really really balanced, unlike MvC2. Oh, Jesus. Any character can beat any character? Can you back that up with anything other than meaningless platitudes about playing "wisely" and just "getting around" a character's weaknesses? And for the record, MvC2 is a hell of a lot more balanced than A3. Sorry, I didn't mean to disrupt this thread. I just couldn't let that go unchallenged. Carry on. BarrelO: The Bleeding-Heart Pussy Abortions don't kill babies. I kill babies. Posted by Nos99 on 03:06:2001 09:21 PM: how is mvc2 more balanced than A3? Not hating.. just curious. I thought you could pick a higher percentage of the cast in A3 and do well (or at least decent) than in MvC2 where some characters just get beat for free.. Nothing is really "for-free" in A3 i don't think.. Posted by darkumas on 03:06:2001 10:17 PM: quote: Originally posted by BarrelO: Oh, Jesus. Any character can beat any character? Can you back that up with anything other than meaningless platitudes about playing "wisely" and just "getting around" a character's weaknesses? And for the record, MvC2 is a hell of a lot more balanced than A3. Are you serious man? You really think that? wow! I dont even know what to say to that. guess ur entitled to ur opinion =) Darkumas Sorry, I didn't mean to disrupt this thread. I just couldn't let that go unchallenged. Carry on. BarrelO: The Bleeding-Heart Pussy <IMG SRC=""> Abortions don't kill babies. I kill babies. Yea tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am fear and all that is evil!" Posted by nex2me on 03:06:2001 10:48 PM: Hey are definately smoking crack. There is no way in hell you can tell me that MvC2 is more balanced than A3. There is a better chance to pick any charecters and win in A3 than there is in MvC2. MvC2 was not as well "playtested" for balance as A3. They just throught some charecters in there and said lets see someone try to wim with them. At least in A3 you see much more variety in charecter usage. There are 56 charecters in that game and only aboutt 20-25 at best are being used. In A3 you can say that over 50% of the charecters are being used. Maybe where you're at there is not that much variety, but here in New York espically, there is a high count of diverse charecters being used in A3. I watch MvC2 being played by some of the best on the East Coast at chinatown fair, Philly, VA, and FL. Posted by BarrelO on 03:07:2001 04:16 AM: Looks like this thread is going to get sidetracked after all. Everyone who said that you can pick a higher percentage of characters in A3 and be competitive than in MvC2: prove it. List all the characters in A3 you think are useable at high levels of play and explain why. I'd be happy to do the same with MvC2. BarrelO: The Bleeding-Heart Pussy Abortions don't kill babies. I kill babies. Posted by godofdeath21 on 03:07:2001 05:12 AM: a. no explanation needed v ryu v akuma a/v karin x/a/v sim x/a/v rolento a/v gief a/v charlie x/a chun v cody v vega v sodom a gen the other v r. mika-can b pretty good if used rite... v combo wit butt move into 360...good high bouncin' c.fierce....2 lazy..ask jchen a bison-henry cen skooled wit him on several occasions...evn v bisonz ok...tried him out a?balrog- ask apoc...and az alwayz..rushdown character x/a/v sagat-x sagat iz like st....well not really...but sagat iz long range no air blocking dont hurt him 2 much.. a-strong supers..strong tiger v-good mid/corner/mid 2corner vism..etc etc x/a rose-can b good in right hands-qcf super hurts...good priority(from my experience) priority on j.fierce,and of course, c. strong haha v-dan-hey...choi won a tourney wit him..scrub touney or not...he kan b played az a surprize character..throw em' off a lil' a guy-combo freak..sum1 won a tourney wit him .....sumwhere...but anywayz..he'z ok v/a birdie-v birdie haz ok v combo...into 360 etc....a birdie haz dat grab super 2 throw peple off for a match...jus az a surprise a/v ehonda-v honda headbutts into 360 combo a honda-strong supers...etc... v blanka- blanka iz blanka..high jump,priority regular moves, good v combo v juni- teleport into 360 combo, overall pretty good character- ask the japanese..hha yeah i know i wuznt 2 specific in this post.. but ask choi or jchen on dis buzy now...also,though u kan say ANY1 can b good in the right hands,ive actually seen ok people do good wit these characters(in ctf), i sure duc or viscant kan kiq ass wit chun/dan/sonson in mvc2(not hating on dan,or other 2, but wut im sayin iz dat average people kan kiq ass wit those alpha 3 peeps i posted..and regarding high levelplay ....sum of the above characters seem a bit ridiculous..but in a tournament its alwayz nice 2 break out a surprise character evry once in a while..(birdie,honda,dan,rose,etc) and still do ok.....peace Posted by The Man on 03:07:2001 06:49 AM: I've seen some people tear some stuff up with Balrog (any ism). I like to play X-ism Balrom myself. I play much more of a turtling game with X-ism though not a rushdown like you were talking about with A- Balrog. Posted by Cletus Kasady on 03:07:2001 08:12 AM: Rose was raped worse than a 50-cent hooker stuck in an all-boys Catholic school. In A2, fireballs were far more useful, therefore she had more use for Jab-Soul Reflect building half a level of meter. In A2, her AC would combo into C.Strong XX Short-Soul Spiral, whereas in A3 it just does 0 damage, you can't combo after it, AND you lose a block of guard meter. Her Soul Illusion super was also actually worth using in A2. I think the C.Strong was also toned down, and in A3 it's easier to VC through more stuff, in exchange for the lack of "The Valle CC". A3 vs MVC2 Balance-wise: As far as I know... Useful chars in MVC2: Sentinel, Storm, Spiral, Cable, Strider, Dr. Doom, Magneto, Blackheart, Cyclops, Ken, Silver Samurai, Iceman, Dhalsim, Iron Man, War Machine, Ruby Heart, Psylocke, BB Hood, Anakaris, Felicia, Jin, Collosus, M. Bison, Captain Commando, Sabretooth, Servbot, Tron Bonne, Megaman Useful characters in A3 (ISM's not included): Dhalsim, Akuma, Sakura, Ryu, Zangief, Karin, Rolento, Guy, Chun Li, Gen, Balrog, Dan, Charlie, R. Mika, Vega - Cletus Kasady Posted by TS on 03:07:2001 08:13 AM: quote: There are 56 charecters in that game and only aboutt 20-25 at best are being used. In A3 you can say that over 50% of the charecters are being used. The problem with this argument is that 25 is a bigger number than 14. quote: Originally posted by godofdeath21: a. no explanation needed v ryu v akuma a/v karin x/a/v sim x/a/v rolento a/v gief a/v charlie x/a chun v cody v vega v sodom a gen Strike V-Cody. He's good, but he's not up there with V-Sodom, V-Akuma, etc. quote: the other v r. mika-can b pretty good if used rite... v combo wit butt move into 360...good high bouncin' c.fierce....2 lazy..ask jchen a bison-henry cen skooled wit him on several occasions...evn v bisonz ok...tried him out a?balrog- ask apoc...and az alwayz..rushdown character x/a/v sagat-x sagat iz like st....well not really...but sagat iz long range no air blocking dont hurt him 2 much.. a-strong supers..strong tiger v-good mid/corner/mid 2corner vism..etc etc x/a rose-can b good in right hands-qcf super hurts...good priority(from my experience) priority on j.fierce,and of course, c. strong haha v-dan-hey...choi won a tourney wit him..scrub touney or not...he kan b played az a surprize character..throw em' off a lil' a guy-combo freak..sum1 won a tourney wit him .....sumwhere...but anywayz..he'z ok v/a birdie-v birdie haz ok v combo...into 360 etc....a birdie haz dat grab super 2 throw peple off for a match...jus az a surprise a/v ehonda-v honda headbutts into 360 combo a honda-strong supers...etc... v blanka- blanka iz blanka..high jump,priority regular moves, good v combo v juni- teleport into 360 combo, overall pretty good character- ask the japanese..hha Only characters here that I'd agree with would be A-Guy, and V-Sagat. X-Balrog is good, but all X-ISM characters have issues with V-ISM ones. Posted by Galactic on 03:07:2001 08:58 AM: quote: Originally posted by BarrelO: Oh, Jesus. Any character can beat any character? Can you back that up with anything other than meaningless platitudes about playing "wisely" and just "getting around" a character's weaknesses? And for the record, MvC2 is a hell of a lot more balanced than A3. Sorry, I didn't mean to disrupt this thread. I just couldn't let that go unchallenged. Carry on. BarrelO: The Bleeding-Heart Pussy <IMG SRC=""> Abortions don't kill babies. I kill babies. Well Galactic prefers MvC2 to A3 any day of the year, and in my opinion, it is a much better, deeper game. But the characters from MvC2 are not as well balanced as the characters in A3. Now, this doesn;t make it a worse game or anything like that, cuz it has some joke characters. C'mon, MvC2 is a game where a match of Servbot/Roll/Dan vs Cable/Strider/Doom is possible. No match in A3 is quite so lopsided. In A3, Dan at least has a chance against Bison and Shin Akuma. But still, Galactic would much rather play a game of MvC2... ^_-; Posted by AKUMA2000 on 03:07:2001 10:28 AM: There aren't any "best" characters, it's more or less the best character your most effective playing with on the battlefield...... I use A-ISM and X-ISM Shin Akuma, his "raging demon" is the best offensive weapon and comeback move in the game..... AKUMA'S LAIR "It's All About Which Warrior Is Left Standing" Posted by TS on 03:07:2001 11:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by Galactic: C'mon, MvC2 is a game where a match of Servbot/Roll/Dan vs Cable/Strider/Doom is possible. No match in A3 is quite so lopsided. Try A-Dhalsim vs No-ISM Birdie. "Who would pick No-ISM Birdie?" Who would pick Servbot/Roll/Dan? quote: In A3, Dan at least has a chance against Bison and Shin Akuma. No, not really. Vs regular Bison, maybe. Posted by Brenner on 03:07:2001 03:38 PM: There is no 'BEST' obviously. Like every1 who has ever played SF I'm good with ryu/ken/akuma but my fav is Blanka! Hes a jungle beast "Seeing you in action is a joke" - Blanka, SF2. Look at that tough man! [This message has been edited by Brenner (edited 03-07-2001).] Posted by chunkis on 03:07:2001 07:32 PM: Hay akuma2000 i dont think you fully understand v-ism,when masterd v-ism is like an infinate combo that is until the v-ism runs out.Off course you have to time your combos to perfection,The raging demon is not that good i like you used to think that it was the best move in the game until i discovered v-ism,if u really want to become good at alpha 3 you must get your hands on a sega saturn"alpha 3 was the last game made on the saturn and is arcade perfect"Also playing with that psx joypad wont help you get any better,so get joystick!.On the topic above i dont really know who is the best in alpha 3 v-akuma,v-sakura,v-ryu,v-zangeif,i think would be up there with the best of the v-ism players. have a nice day shoryuken! Posted by BarrelO on 03:07:2001 10:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by Cletus Kasady: Useful chars in MVC2: Sentinel, Storm, Spiral, Cable, Strider, Dr. Doom, Magneto, Blackheart, Cyclops, Ken, Silver Samurai, Iceman, Dhalsim, Iron Man, War Machine, Ruby Heart, Psylocke, BB Hood, Anakaris, Felicia, Jin, Collosus, M. Bison, Captain Commando, Sabretooth, Servbot, Tron Bonne, Megaman I'd also add Juggernaut, Omega Red, Cammy, Bone Wolverine, Charlie, and Thanos to that list. BarrelO: The Bleeding-Heart Pussy Abortions don't kill babies. I kill babies. Posted by DivineJudgement on 03:07:2001 11:03 PM: V-Geif is GOD over all Geif is KING...oh yeah V-Akuma is good to! In The End All Will Be Judged Posted by Galactic on 03:08:2001 08:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by TS: Try A-Dhalsim vs No-ISM Birdie. "Who would pick No-ISM Birdie?" Who would pick Servbot/Roll/Dan? Not even A-Dhalsim vs No-ISM Birdie is quite as uneven as a Servbot/Roll/Dan vs Cable/Strider/Doom match... An excellent A-Dhalsim vs an excellent No-ISM Birdie player can still go both ways. At least No-ISM Birdie can still take good chunks of life quickly, and good players can win matches without relying on Supers. In the case of Servbot/Roll/Dan vs Cable/Strider/Doom, no matter how good someone is with those three, hell they could be the world's best Servbot/Roll/Dan player, they would go down to any tourney Cable/Strider/Doom team. Servbot and Roll do the least amount of damage in the game, while Dan is, well.... He's Dan... He's practically ALPHA Dan with a Super Jump, in a VS game.... ^_-; Posted by TS on 03:08:2001 10:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by Galactic: Not even A-Dhalsim vs No-ISM Birdie is quite as uneven as a Servbot/Roll/Dan vs Cable/Strider/Doom match... An excellent A-Dhalsim vs an excellent No-ISM Birdie player can still go both ways. At least No-ISM Birdie can still take good chunks of life quickly, and good players can win matches without relying on Supers. In the case of Servbot/Roll/Dan vs Cable/Strider/Doom, no matter how good someone is with those three, hell they could be the world's best Servbot/Roll/Dan player, they would go down to any tourney Cable/Strider/Doom team. Servbot and Roll do the least amount of damage in the game, while Dan is, well.... He's Dan... He's practically ALPHA Dan with a Super Jump, in a VS game.... ^_-; Point though, was that with all of the hundreds of different team combinations, nobody would ever, ever pick Dan/Servbot/Roll. So it doesn't matter. Also, theere's the fact that there are HUNDREDS of different team combinations. And many, many, MANY of them are more able to compete than Dan/Servbot/Roll. And in MvC2, even if there is a mismatch (say you start Blackheart on your team, while your opponent starts Cable), you still have two partners (and two assists) to aide in correcting the problem. Posted by PsychoSquall on 03:08:2001 11:33 PM: Servbot, Dan, and Roll were meant to be comedy relief. They're SUPPOSED to be weak. Posted by PK on 03:09:2001 04:19 AM: This is a total opinion question... but in my opinion: VAkuma is the best... he's fast, powerfull, and has the best arsonal of weapons at his disposal... but XSim and and XRolento are truely bad ass too... i like V or ASodom... love them... the most fun? has to be Z... that's one big Russian... Posted by Dasrik on 03:09:2001 04:37 AM: Not quite related, but with people throwing around lists of usable people in MvC2, I have to set the record straight. These are people who are either viable or have the obvious potential to be viable in a tournament environment. This list is generally in order of how often seen in tournaments. 1. Cable 2. Storm 3. Magneto 4. Sentinel 5. Doom 6. Cyclops 7. Spiral 8. Blackheart 9. Psylocke 10. Strider 11. Captain Commando 12. Cammy 13. Iron Man 14. Ken 15. Iceman 16. Bonerine 17. Akuma 18. Juggernaut (glitched) 19. War Machine 20. Omega Red 21. Tron Bonne 22. Wolverine 23. Jin 24. Megaman 25. Ruby Heart 26. Morrigan 27. Rogue 28. Silver Samurai 29. Felicia 30. Charlie 31. Sakura 32. Baby Bonnie Hood 33. Colossus 34. Dhalsim 35. Anakaris 36. Hulk 37. Sabretooth ALL these people have something definite to offer in a tournament environment. That's a huge chunk of the cast, mind you. Almost every character has something that is downright absubable. The only truly useless characters are Hayato and Roll. I'm definitely not qualified to speak on Alpha 3. But I think this should be beared in mind. (BTW, if you care to question my list, go ahead.) [This message has been edited by Dasrik (edited 03-08-2001).] [This message has been edited by Dasrik (edited 03-08-2001).] Posted by Iceman on 03:09:2001 05:14 AM: As for that A-Dhalsim vs. No-Ism Birdie, I think that was a good comparison. Yes, at least Birdie can do big chunks of damage. Well, Servbot can chip about 30% (maybe more) with 5 supers. Dan can do a 100% combo with 5 supers in the corner. Roll can, ok, nothing. My point, How is Birdie going to get close enough to do those huge chunks of damage to Dhalsim? I'm going to assume this is the arcade version of A3 where Sim's limbs are unbeatable. What is birdie going to do? He walks towards Sim he will be poked. He jumps, he'll eat standing forward or roundhouse from Sim. This fight is just as hopeless as Servbot/Roll/Dan vs. Whoever you were saying in MvC2 (any top tier team). Posted by CyntalanMaelstrom on 03:09:2001 11:12 AM: leave it to Dasrik to work in another Hayato bashing out of nowhere... oh well... I truly couldn't see a poor matchup in A3 (well, maybe Birdie vs. just about anything :P) but in MvC2 there's a TON of mismatch possibilities. Because of the outright dominance between tiers, most characters are never even touched in tourney play. It's suicide. A3 at least gets to see a lot more variety than Cable/Storm/AAA and the like. Sure, hundreds of combinations, but the combinations are always the same. They have to remain the same or be annihilated. A3, someone could pull out VGuy and compete rather well, but Hayato/Geif/Marrow? That's doom before the game says Ready. ^^; Cyntalan Maelstrom -Don't EVER mention that pizza boy's name in my presence!!! Posted by Iceman on 03:09:2001 12:22 PM: If I can add something else. People say huge chunks of the MvC2 can't be touched, then name characters from A3 (or whatever game) that can be used. Let's look at V-Guy. V-Guy would probably be the equivalent of BB Hood in MvC2. You can play him, but you know your disadvantaged from the start. Personally I think A-Guy is better, and would be like seeing Iceman on Dasrik's list. Nobody ever says anything about X-Birdie, X-Dan (I know Choi played V-Dan, but hey, Duc played team shoto in MvC2 and won a game), A-Mika (though some peeps to play her for laughs), or Juli (arcade version). Juli vs. Dhalsim would be like Cable vs. Ryu. Posted by TS on 03:09:2001 09:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by CyntalanMaelstrom: [B]leave it to Dasrik to work in another Hayato bashing out of nowhere... oh well... I truly couldn't see a poor matchup in A3 (well, maybe Birdie vs. just about anything :P) but in MvC2 there's a TON of mismatch possibilities. Because of the outright dominance between tiers, most characters are never even touched in tourney play. It's suicide. A3 at least gets to see a lot more variety than Cable/Storm/AAA and the like. Sure, hundreds of combinations, but the combinations are always the same. They have to remain the same or be annihilated. A3, someone could pull out VGuy and compete rather well, but Hayato/Geif/Marrow? That's doom before the game says Ready. ^^; [B] I'm sure there are literally different team combinations that can beat Cable/Storm/AAA. I can try to list them all, if you want. As for Hayato/Gief/Marrow. Why the hell would you play them together? That's like complaining that X-Balrog loses to Shin Akuma. He loses the match...duh. So don't play him. In MvC2, at least you have the option to use Marrow/Doom/Cyke instead, which may actually usable. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 03:10:2001 03:25 PM: Hey Chocobo, aren't you going to post anything to this thread ? I used to think that V-Ryu was the most powerful character. People simply don't use him because his combos are too freaking hard as compared to Akuma, and as someone pointed out "Akuma takes damage like a whore...". Seeing the BAS combo more and more, however, has decidely skewed my vote towards V-Akuma. Anyway, V-ism Shin Akuma isn't that too hot. For some reason, V-ism Shin Akuma has a hellishly hard time doing a juggle -- try the combos that work with V-Akuma and you'll see what I mean. I think it's because Shin Akuma is too fast for his own good. Watching four air-fireballs is fun, though. MVC2 more balanced the SFZ3? Hmm... Has anyone seen how Adon performs in a tourney? Posted by TS on 03:11:2001 12:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by mondu_the_fat: Has anyone seen how Adon performs in a tourney? Heard months and months ago that he supposedly has a good tourney record in Japan. Posted by DaN_HiBiKi on 03:11:2001 12:55 AM: Are you all picking on Dan?! ;_; -------- [MGS]DaN_HiBiKi All your base are belong to us. Posted by SHuMA-GOWRATH on 03:11:2001 07:22 AM: its not the best, its whos top tier. A-ism, V-ism Shin Akuma, Akuma, Ken, Ryu, Bison, Blanka, Guy, Sagat, Guile. Charlie is alright also CHAOS DIMENSION!!!!!! Posted by CykoClops on 03:11:2001 08:23 AM: v-akuma Posted by C0mmand0 0bvi0us on 03:11:2001 09:21 AM: v-akuma is really good but i wouldn't rank him first, maybe 2nd highest or 3rd, he's just really easy to learn and use but if you can do BAS vc's maybe he is the best, i still think v-ryu is better (cause of the damage factor and if you can do his midscreen vc) but i think dhalsim is number one over all Formerly ElmerPud Posted by bahn on 03:11:2001 10:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by C0mmand0 0bvi0us: v-akuma is really good but i wouldn't rank him first, maybe 2nd highest or 3rd, he's just really easy to learn and use but if you can do BAS vc's maybe he is the best, i still think v-ryu is better (cause of the damage factor and if you can do his midscreen vc) but i think dhalsim is number one over all V-Akuma's definitely good, but unfortunately...he takes damage like a lil girl. A couple of well executed attacks, bam...the poor guy is dizzy. It's highly important V-Akuma players control the pace of the match because of this unfortunate kink in his armor. [This message has been edited by bahn (edited 03-11-2001).] Posted by sayiajin1 on 03:12:2001 12:39 PM: are u people mad. v-akuma loses for free to various characters. especially a-sim and v-karin. he takes damage like a bitch as well. definitely top tier but far from the best overall two wrongs dont make a right, but three rights make a left Posted by bahn on 03:12:2001 01:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik: [B]Not quite related, but with people throwing around lists of usable people in MvC2, I have to set the record straight. These are people who are either viable or have the obvious potential to be viable in a tournament environment. *snip long listing* I'm definitely not qualified to speak on Alpha 3. But I think this should be beared in mind. (BTW, if you care to question my list, go ahead.) gee man...if you knew this wasn't related, then why did you bother even posting it??? Especially since no one's responded...just make a new thread. The Next Level "You must learn to block or my speed will always overcome you." Posted by Nos99 on 03:13:2001 09:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by sayiajin1: are u people mad. v-akuma loses for free to various characters. especially a-sim and v-karin. he takes damage like a bitch as well. definitely top tier but far from the best overall If you can.. PLEASE tell me how V-Akuma loses to V-Karin for free. I know Karin's good, but for free? V-Akuma? Somehow I doubt that.. Just because Valle lost doesn't mean it's for free.. A-sim is also crazy good but I still don't say it's for free. VCs pretty much mean nothing is "for free". Posted by WMoose on 03:13:2001 09:47 AM: Im boerd so I think I will list my opinion of the top 2 tiers. 1. A/V Dhalsim 2. V Charlie 3. V Akuma 4. V Sakura 5. V Ryu 6. V/A Zangeif 7. X/A/V Rolento -=End Tier 1=- 8. V Sodom 9. V Karin 10. A Ryu 11. V Ken 12. A Charlie 13. A/X Chun Li 14. A/V Honda 15. A Gen 16. A Balrog -=End Tier 2=- I won't go any farther because, well there is no need to as the rest of the characters have no chance at all to be considered dominant. I also may have left out a ism of a character and the order is sort of debateable so go ahead and say what you want. Posted by TS on 03:13:2001 12:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by WMoose: Im boerd so I think I will list my opinion of the top 2 tiers. 1. A/V Dhalsim 2. V Charlie 3. V Akuma 4. V Sakura 5. V Ryu 6. V/A Zangeif 7. X/A/V Rolento -=End Tier 1=- 8. V Sodom 9. V Karin 10. A Ryu 11. V Ken 12. A Charlie 13. A/X Chun Li 14. A/V Honda 15. A Gen 16. A Balrog -=End Tier 2=- V-Charlie, A-Balrog, A-Ryu, V-Ken, and A/V-Honda are all too high. quote: I won't go any farther because, well there is no need to as the rest of the characters have no chance at all to be considered dominant. I also may have left out a ism of a character and the order is sort of debateable so go ahead and say what you want. You left out V-Vega, A-Guy, and a couple of other really good characters. Posted by bahn on 03:13:2001 01:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by WMoose: Im boerd so I think I will list my opinion of the top 2 tiers. 1. A/V Dhalsim 2. V Charlie 3. V Akuma 4. V Sakura 5. V Ryu 6. V/A Zangeif 7. X/A/V Rolento -=End Tier 1=- 8. V Sodom 9. V Karin 10. A Ryu 11. V Ken 12. A Charlie 13. A/X Chun Li 14. A/V Honda 15. A Gen 16. A Balrog -=End Tier 2=- I won't go any farther because, well there is no need to as the rest of the characters have no chance at all to be considered dominant. I also may have left out a ism of a character and the order is sort of debateable so go ahead and say what you want. Man...good thing this is your opinion and not fact, hehe The Next Level "You must learn to block or my speed will always overcome you." Posted by psx2000 on 03:13:2001 04:08 PM: hahaha yeah dam his vryu and akuma are so low its funny. Posted by blt on 03:13:2001 07:32 PM: quote: Originally posted by Cletus Kasady: Useful characters in A3 (ISM's not included): Dhalsim, Akuma, Sakura, Ryu, Zangief, Karin, Rolento, Guy, Chun Li, Gen, Balrog, Dan, Charlie, R. Mika, Vega - Cletus Kasady If you think R.Mika qualifies as useful, but then you don't put in Cammy, or M.Bison (an old proven tournament contender), or V Sodom (two of our wins vs the japanese were from eddie lee's v sodom)? And you never heard of the japanese V Adon players in tokyo that bring it strong with crazy "maximum adon" VC's? i mean . if you want to talk about useful and not useful, that's fine. these characters I've named are not top tier useful. but um they certainly belong in the list more than freaking dan and r.mika. Posted by migoryu on 03:14:2001 01:49 AM: I donīt understand the thing with V-Akuma?Sure he+s good but I prefer playing with Shin Akuma and with the A-ISM, his Raging Demon is very fast, easy to link moves, and they hurt alot. The only threat to A-Shin is A-Dhalsim, I have seen alot of excellent users of him and his awesome. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 03:14:2001 06:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by migoryu: I donīt understand the thing with V-Akuma?Sure he+s good but I prefer playing with Shin Akuma and with the A-ISM, his Raging Demon is very fast, easy to link moves, and they hurt alot. The only threat to A-Shin is A-Dhalsim, I have seen alot of excellent users of him and his awesome. How many is "alot of excellent users" ? Just curious. Posted by WMoose on 03:14:2001 07:18 AM: Theres actually not that many good Sim users, at least not on the EC. Can't speak for Cali and why the hell are we talking about Shin Akuma? Posted by mondu_the_fat on 03:14:2001 07:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by WMoose: ... and why the hell are we talking about Shin Akuma? And that's exactly my point WMoose. No offense Migoryu, but if you're comparing Shin Akuma and Dhalsim that would mean you're playing the home version (DC or PSX). This means that you can't possibly have seen "alot" of good Dhalsim players (unless they go to droves to your house). Which basically means the question you asked on what's the big deal about V-Akuma is... well.. um... er... Let's just say putting V-Akuma other than top tier isn't the best thing to get respect around here. Posted by Reaper1317 on 03:14:2001 08:17 AM: Akuma! He is very balenced and still has some very cool and original moves. He has the greatest finishing move: the Raging Demon (Instant Hell Murder) Although he is a Shoto he isn't a rip off of anyone and has a good backround filled with hate murder and demons (and other wicked shxt) Posted by Reaper1317 on 03:14:2001 08:22 AM: This is going to sound werid and I bet no one else has mentioned him but second on my list is: Rolento. He is so fast and agile, he leaves adon looking a slow, fat bastard. He also has some really good supers. His ending and victory poses are some of the coolest around. (I like it when he throws a grenade on them.) Told ya I'm A nut " Death is the start of Life" Posted by WMoose on 03:15:2001 04:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by Reaper1317: This is going to sound werid and I bet no one else has mentioned him but second on my list is: Rolento. Hmmm I bet this guy didn't even read the whole thread. Anyway I listed Rolento as 7th even though everyone thought my list was wack Posted by bahn on 03:15:2001 02:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by migoryu: I donīt understand the thing with V-Akuma?Sure he+s good but I prefer playing with Shin Akuma and with the A-ISM, his Raging Demon is very fast, easy to link moves, and they hurt alot. The only threat to A-Shin is A-Dhalsim, I have seen alot of excellent users of him and his awesome. Hate to rain on your part of the field, but we're primarily discussing the arcade version, not the console version... It's always amusing when players talk about how "legendary" they are with Shin Akuma who of course...isn't in the arcade. (Man, imagine all the ppl that would flock to using him...) The Next Level "You must learn to block or my speed will always overcome you." Posted by bahn on 03:15:2001 02:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by WMoose: Theres actually not that many good Sim users, at least not on the EC. Can't speak for Cali and why the hell are we talking about Shin Akuma? True indeed, but Henry Cen, David Spence and Tommykid are more than enough. The Next Level "You must learn to block or my speed will always overcome you." Posted by Gen.Uile on 03:15:2001 09:12 PM: This is good comedy,all this Shin Akuma talk.Aside from a few changes there is nothing really too menacing about Shin Akuma. We are talking about Dhalsim here,he more than capable in dealing with with Shin Akuma. This match has nothing to do with Shin's enhanced abilities.This has to do with who is playing 'Sim and how good he is.This is by far not a free fight for 'Sim but on the other hand Shin will not eat up 'Sim.The bottom line is,if you MUST use Shin Akuma to beat,or attempt to beat your opponent,YOU should not be even playing the game. "Strength and Honor" Maximus Posted by bahn on 03:16:2001 12:40 AM: Shin Akuma, some ppl like using him, but it's no big deal, he's addressing the home version, so it doesn't really matter. Okei, let's get back to who's is the best character in Alpha 3 "arcade version", not the legendary home versions. ^_^ The Next Level "You must learn to block or my speed will always overcome you." All times are GMT. The time now is 10:21 PM. Show all 64 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright Đ Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.